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Expression of Interest -
Therapy during 24/25 End of year holidays

Client Details:


Parent / Carer Details:

Financial information

Funding Source:
NDIS Self Managed
NDIS Plan Managed

NDIS Participants Only:

Relevant Medical Information

Multi choice

Please know that none of these responses will stop your child from being included in the group. They allow us to appropriately plan supports to best support all participants

Additional Information

Age group:
I am interested in:
If the program is full would you like to be added to the waitlist?

What Goals Would You Like To Work Towards With Sense Rugby?

Photo & Video Consent

Do you give permission for images, videos, and/or audio recordings of the participant to be used on social media and public platforms? I understand that this permission is valid indefinitely and is not restricted by time or location.

Consent Acknowledgement:

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